Reading and Speaking Skills

Why should I study Reading and Speaking Skills?

Good reading and speaking skills are important for all students learning English as an additional language.  This subject will make communication easier in the classroom, community and workplace. 

Where does Reading and Speaking Skills lead?

Being able to read and speak English clearly and confidently is important in all areas of study, work and life in Australia. Research shows that being able to read well helps students to be able to write well.

What work will I do in Reading and Speaking Skills?

This course focuses on developing students’ ability to read English in order to understand the text. In order to do this, students will learn and practise reading strategies.

Assessment will be done through three areas:

  • Practical exploration: an extensive reading program, in which students read their choice of graded readers in class and outside of class to attain reading goals measured in thousands of words they have read. To complement extensive reading, there will also be intensive reading activities, focussing on areas such as developing reading skills and vocabulary knowledge.
  • Connections: students work together in reading groups, to share ideas and opinions about texts, and undertake discussion, debate and oral presentation tasks
  • Personal venture: students investigate a topic of interest to them through reading

What do others think about Reading and Speaking Skills?

What I liked about this subject is that you get to read in levels, so your comprehension of reading in English is increased much more. What helped me the most was the presentations, since it is a good way to feel confident to talk about any topic and practice speaking!


Where can I find more information about Reading and Speaking Skills?

For more detail about content and assessment, view the course information: