Engineering and Construction Program

Why should I study the Engineering and Construction Program?

This program has been developed with input from industry partners to prepare students for the engineering and construction industries with both ATAR and apprenticeship/traineeship pathways.

Construction trades are highly skilled trades which demand a high level of skill and attention to detail. These trades are in demand across Australia and provide secure and long-term career opportunities.

Engineering jobs are high-tech, driven by computing, often using large-scale technology and innovative digital designs. There is already a shortage of people going into these jobs. Conditions and pay for many of these jobs is substantial, and the work offers exciting, rewarding and stable career opportunities in university and/or apprenticeship pathways.

This program prepares students for exciting, rewarding and stable career opportunities for a broad range of engineering, electrotechnology and construction pathways, including electrical, mechanical, civil and advanced manufacturing, carpentry and plumbing. This program develops the high-level practical and academic skills that will be needed for the skilled trade pathways and apprenticeships of the future.

Thebarton Senior College has developed a package of subjects that help you develop the Maths, English, Science, Technology and CAD/CAM/design skills that are needed for a trade pathway. We’ve consulted with industry and used the best advice available to build work-ready skills that lead to job vacancies.

Where does the Engineering and Construction Program lead?

The program has been designed to allow the highest level of choice: students can exit the program with competitive ATARs for university pathways or SACE completion with links to trade apprenticeships. The practical elements of the course complement both streams through hands-on experiences and industry-approved immersion activities.

The college has formed strong partnerships with other Registered Training Organisations, Group Training Organisations, construction industry bodies and employers to support students with transitioning to apprenticeships and traineeships.

What work will I do in the Engineering and Construction Program?

Students in a group discussion; one student is holding a plastic object in his hands, and pointing at it with a pen.
An object being created with a 3D printer.
A toy car, a tape dispenser and a collection of round discs. All of the items have been made with 3D printing.

All out-of-school elements of this program are fully-funded, including uniform and appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). You’ll experience a high-challenge, high-expectation atmosphere combined with intensive mentoring and high levels of support to enable you to become leaders of engineering and construction.

Industry connections are built into learning experiences and assessments that connect your learning with authentic engineering contexts, in both practical and theory work.

In Engineering and Construction Maths you will develop the specific maths skills needed in the engineering, construction, electrotechnology, plumbing and other trade-related industries. You’ll strengthen your skills in number operations, measurement and other specific skills, so you are well-equipped to solve practical mathematical problems in these industries. We use trade-related equipment and trade situations and contexts for practical problem solving in real-life contexts, in a Design & Technology classroom. 

The subjects recommended are:

Apprenticeship / traineeship pathway University pathway
Stage 1
Semester 1
Employability Skills (Integrated Learning) / Essential English A
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (one day) or, Certificate II in Construction Pathways (one day) or, Certificate II in Electrotechnology Career Start (one day) or, Certificate II in Plumbing (one day – off site)
General Maths (including Mathematics A topics)
Scientific Studies Engineering Trades – Metal Engineering and Advanced Engineering A Construction Trades – Woodwork A and Advanced Engineering A
Elective subject: Mathematics B (3 lessons)
Stage 1
Semester 2
Material Studies – Meta
Design & Technology – CAD/CAM Project
Career Exploration Program (Workplace Practices) / Essential English B
Certificate II in Engineering Pathways (one day)
General Maths (including Mathematics C topics)
Scientific Studies (2 lessons)
Engineering Trades – Welding Technologies and Advanced Engineering B
Construction Trades – Woodwork B and Advanced Engineering B
Elective subject: Specialist Maths
Stage 2 Engineering and Construction Skills Program (Cross-disciplinary Studies – STEM project)
Research Project (industry context)
General Maths or Maths Methods
Workplace Practices or elective subject
2nd elective subject (if required for ATAR)
Maths Methods
Specialist Maths

What do other students think of the Engineering and Construction Program?

Information to come.

Where can I find more information about the Engineering and Construction Program?

For more detail about content and assessment, view the course information: