Metal Technologies

Why should I study Metal Technologies?

In these subjects (Welding, Metal Machining and Metal Technologies), you will design and produce products, and learn about metal materials and the processes necessary to work in different engineering industries. The subjects are designed to give you the opportunity to experience aspects of working with metals in a number of different contexts. The focus is on the application of current technology in the metal engineering industry, including the use of common metals in machining, sheet-metal, welding and fabrication.

These subjects are designed to give students the opportunity to further improve their skills in both mechanical engineering and metal fabrication, to use a CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawing package and study contemporary issues affecting the engineering industries. Students will also learn the skills to critically analyse various aspects of manufacturing, design and environmental issues.

There is a strong emphasis on the correct use of hand tools, lathes, welding equipment, metal saws, bending machines and other appropriate hand powered tools to understand various construction techniques and gain experience of the practices used in this industry.

Where does Metal Technologies lead?

Stage 1 Metal Machining or Welding leads to Stage 2 Metal Technologies.

Stage 2 Metal Technologies provides knowledge, experience and skills to pursue any engineering apprenticeship or trade course at TAFE or a university degree in the area of Engineering.

Potential Career Pathways: 

  • Fitter and Machinist
  • Mechanical Fitter
  • Heavy Metal Fabricator
  • Light Metal Fabricator
  • Welder 

Higher Education Opportunities:

  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering 
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Electrical and Aerospace Engineering 

What work will I do in Metal Technologies?

In Stage 1 Metal Machining or Welding, students will be involved in the design and construction of projects in the metal area. Skills will be developed in sheet metal, welding and basic machining.

In Stage 2 Metal Technologies, students work individually as well as collaboratively to work through various projects:

  • Construction Technology using metals and machines as a medium
  • Project Design
  • Machining and Welding
  • Fitting (incorporated into practical exercises, projects and related technical research)

What do other students think about Metal Technologies?

I have found Stage 2 Metal Technologies interesting and very beneficial. This subject is helpful for my future and general knowledge. I would highly recommend this subject for anyone interested in a trade pathway.


I have always had a passion for working with my hands, be that automotive, woodwork or metalwork. Being able to add ‘fuel to the flame’ of my passions and study Metal Technologies at Thebarton has been a dream come true. I could not have asked for a better teacher. He is highly knowledgeable on his topic and many things beyond it.


I enjoy this course because I am learning a fun and useful skill under the guidance of a teacher who encourages us to improve and fix our problems.


I enjoy doing Stage 2 Metal Tech because we have an awesome teacher that is incredibly helpful and humorous. I also get to work with my hands and learn useful things for my career. I would encourage anyone who would like to get an apprenticeship (I have gained an apprenticeship at ASC through the college) to study these subjects because you will learn so much from a great teacher. 


This class has given me the insight and skills to approach the workforce and begin my journey. There are plenty of learning resources and assistance available in Metal Technologies to grow industrial skills and succeed in any endeavor you wish to set yourself. 


Where can I find more information about Metal Technologies?

For more detail about content and assessment, view the course information: