Extension Studies: Entertainment Design

Why should I study Extension Studies: Entertainment Design?

This subject is offered in partnership with Flinders University and CDW Studios, for Year 12 students seeking a visual effects and entertainment design pathway. Students will have the opportunity to complete two Flinders University topics and learn directly from industry professionals in a school setting. Instructors of these topics work in industry and will teach relevant tools, techniques and processes that employers are looking for. Students will also learn about the range of careers available in the entertainment design industry.

Successful completion of both topics guarantees entry into the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) and provides credits towards the first year of the degree, helping students transition smoothly into university study.

Where does Extension Studies: Entertainment Design lead?

This subject pro­vides path­ways for fur­ther edu­ca­tion, such as the Bach­e­lor of Cre­ative Arts (Visu­al Effects and Entertain­ment Design) at Flinders Uni­ver­si­ty, run in con­junc­tion with CDW Studios. This leads students into career pathways such as: visual effects artists, 2D or 3D animators, character designers, creature designers, 3D modellers, illustrators, concept artists, 3D modellers, 3D texture artists, 3D sculptors, illustrators and many other fields for studios such as Rising Sun Pictures, Animal Logic, Vishus Productions, Monkeystack, Chocolate Liberation Front, Bungie and Ready at Dawn Studios.

What work will I do in Extension Studies: Entertainment Design?

Students will complete two Flinders University/CDW Studios topics and show their inquiry, learning, development, production and evaluation within folios.

What do other students think about Extension Studies: Entertainment Design?

This subject will run for the first time in 2024.

Where can I find more information about Extension Studies: Entertainment Design?

For more detail about content and assessment, view the course information: