Welcome to Health and Physical Education at Thebarton Senior College.
Health and Physical Education is more than just playing sports, at Thebarton students who study within this learning area develop a toolkit of strategies to lead a healthy active and mindful lifestyle. They understand the factors that influence health and are able to make informed decisions about their own health and well-being.
In Health and Physical Education you will learn how to analyse your own physical activity, set goals and develop strategies to improve how your body works and how you view it.
The opportunities to challenge yourself are endless. You could take on kayaking, rock climbing, conquer wheelchair basketball, or master your volleyball smash.
Health and Physical Education students are; leaders, team players and have the strategies to cope with individual challenges. They develop physical skills to participate in a range of practical activities and can transfer these from one activity to another.
Study in this learning area provides pathways to a range of careers such as coaching, teaching Outdoor Education, Physical Therapy, sports science, nursing, nutrition and mental health.
Research shows that people who participate in physical activity, as young adults, are more likely to have higher health and wellbeing outcomes into adulthood.
If this sounds appealing to you, then a Health and Physical Education pathway at Thebarton might be the right choice for you.