Jewellery Making

Why should I study Jewellery Making?

If you have any interest in creating your own jewellery pieces or in designing fashion items, then Jewellery Making is for you. In this subject, you will learn many hands-on skills with different kinds of tools and materials such as wood, plastics, copper and aluminium, and use tools such as coping and piercing saws, drills, hammers, dapping blocks and punch sets. You will expand your knowledge and build your skills with these tools and materials as well as researching, designing and creating your own pieces of jewellery.

Where does Jewellery Making lead?

Jewellery Making can lead to many further study pathways within the Arts and Design sector such as Design, Fashion and Costume Design and Digital Art, or in more practical subjects like Woodwork and Metal Technologies. It all depends on where your interests takes you.

What work will I do in Jewellery Making?

There are four practical skills you will learn which include creating a Vee board (this is what a professional jeweller uses throughout their career to create their pieces on). You will also learn Pierce cutting which is where you can design your own pendant shapes and learn how to cut through different metals. Furthermore, you’ll learn different ways to join metals together and how to shape, form and add texture to them as well.  

What do other students think about Jewellery Making?

Information to come.

Where can I find more information about Jewellery Making?

For more detail about content and assessment, view the course information: